Monday, October 10, 2011

My First Gourd

What a wonderful feeling it was when I completed my first gourd. I looked through my stash of dirty gourds to find the perfect one for my anticipated project. I cleaned and scraped the skin and mold away. Every step when completed was a feeling of accomplishment. Holding my breath, I sawed, sanded and wood burned (pyrography), and then carved with my Dremel. As I progressed, I decided it was worth finishing and wouldn't have to end up in the gourd cemetery. A little leather dye and spray finish to complete my project and I was done. It deserved a beautiful plant and became a gift for my son and daughter in law. The plant has long since died but the gourd sits proudly on their piano. How did I feel you ask, very proud.
I will post a photo of my first gourd in the near future.